Hearts Through History Romance Writers

2011 HHRW Awards – 2011 Presidential Award for Meritorious Service

by | July 5, 2011 | 1 comment

At the discretion of the standing President of HHRW, the Presidential Award for Meritorious Service may be conferred upon any member who has contributed outstanding service to the chapter during that president’s term of office. The award will be bestowed at the annual meeting. The recipient will receive silver HHRW chapter pin and framed certificate.

This year’s winner has helped just about every officer and committe e chair in executing the functions of their positions while at the same time planning the Annual Meeting. Despite a hectic life traveling the country with her husband and other personal issues, she has also jumped in and taken on presidential duties when I was either ill or out of touch due to the storms that have ravaged the Mid-South this year. Since I’m sure you’re ready to get to the game and socialize, I won’t give you a catalogue of everything she’s done. It would take too long and most of you probably know already.
Please join me in recognizing this year’s winner for her outstanding service to HHRW – Denise Pattison.
Mary McCall
HHRW President

1 Comment

  1. Renee

    Congratulations, Denise!



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