The Legenda Aurea is the highest service award presented by HHRW. Translated from the Latin, Legenda Aurea means the golden legend and is an apt name for a chapter member who has provided outstanding service to Hearts through History Romance Writers, and thus has become a legend among us.
Criteria for consideration:
-Serves without expectation of accola des.
-Body of service to be considered as opposed to one act of service.
-Volunteers for work that benefits group as a whole.
-Contributes significantly to the mission and goals of the group.
-Strives to further chapter recognition within the RWA and writing communities, exhibiting the qualities of excellence and professionalism.
-Is willing to volunteer for any type job: glamorous and/or dirty.
-Is a person who can be relied upon to help out at a moment’s notice.
This year’s winner has more than met the criteria to win, and it is safe to say there would be no HHRW today if not for our winner. In 2006 when the Executive Board imploded, she stepped in and kept the organization together. She has taken part in every job we have at some point, and after four years as president, she continues to serve by reorganizing our blog and providing valuable advice to the Board of Directors.
Please join me in thanking, congratulating and recognizing Melinda Porter, the 2011 Legenda Aurea Award winner.
Mary McCall
HHRW President
Congratulations Melinda.