I don’t like making resolutions. They are too easily dismissed. Instead, I set goals and make up to-do lists. My goals for the New Year are simple:
–to get butt in chair
–to write, write, write
–to finish the projects I’ve started
–to submit often
Also, I am not limiting my writing to just historical romance. I want to also write an adventure series I’ve been thinking of for the past year. I want to work with my Timeless Scribes and publish two more anthologies this year.
My talents are unlimited. My wants, my goals, my desires are … unlimited too, as they should be.
If we set limits on our writing, on ourselves, then we are selling ourselves short.
Isn’t that what we tell our children? That they can be anything they want to be; that they can do anything they want to do. Don’t we encourage them to dream big; and, the bigger the better? Why should kids be the only ones to dream? Why are only kids the inheritors of unlimited possibilities? Adults have dreams too. And, we know how big we can dream and how to make those dreams come true.
I can write anything, be anything. Maybe my writing is not as great as say, Diana Gabaldon or Brenda Novak, but that’s fine. Skill will come with time and hard work. And, I am ready for that. In fact, I am eager to get started, to open my notebook, to take pen in hand, to write.
And the New Year is a great excuse to start afresh. After all, I am unlimited.♥
Thank you to Maria Ferrer of NYC-RWA for the inspiration and help for this message.