We’re starting a new spotlight feature on the HHRW blog, and hope to feature a member on the last Friday of each month. To kick things off, please help me welcome Callie Hutton!
Before we start talking about your writing, tell us a little about yourself and what you write.
USA Today best selling author of The Elusive Wife, Callie Hutton writes both Western Historical and Regency romance, with “historic elements and sensory details” (The Romance Reviews). Callie lives in Oklahoma with several rescue dogs, her daughter, son, daughter-in-law, twin grandbabies (thankfully all not in the same house), and her top cheerleader husband of thirty-nine years. Callie loves to hear from readers, and would welcome you as a friend on Facebook.
Do you write full-time or part-time?
I’m a full time writer.
What drew you to write in the historical romance genre?
I was a history major in college and love anything historical.
What’s your favorite historical movie?
Gone With the Wind
If you could time travel, what era would you visit?
The 1880s. That’s my favorite time period in London, New York City and the Old West.
Give us a brief rundown of your process. Are you a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in the middle?
I allow myself about a week for research and planning. I have already outlined the story for my editor, so I have a general idea of what I need to know. Then I fill out a binder with character sketches, family backgrounds, if it’s part of a series, I’ll add the spreadsheet with dates of birth, ages, who married who, names of children born, etc. for that series. I also add drawings of rooms and buildings, clothing, etc., that I’ll use. If there is a dinner party, I draw the table and figure where each person sits. Next I add pages to the binder with my turning points in the story, along with the dark moment and resolution. Then I use a white board to outline each chapter with bullet points.
Yes, I am a plotter, but started out as a panster. For me, I found I needed the plotting to write a better book.
Tell us about your latest release and what’s coming next for you.
My last release was The Highlander’s Accidental Marriage from Entangled Publishing. Right now I’m working on the final book in that series, The Earl’s Return. Well, almost final. My editor and I agreed on a Christmas novella for the mother in the series who is widowed, and finds another true love. That one is The Christmas Wager.
What’s the hardest part of writing?
Marketing. If I could just write books and send them off and not worry about all the social media and stuff that goes with it, I would be a very happy camper.
Thanks for being our first member in the spotlight, Callie! To find out more about Callie, you can visit her website or find her on Facebook.
Want to be featured in the member spotlight? Just drop me a line at christy@christycarlyle.com!
Happy Friday, everyone!
Callie Hutton! My friend and one if my favorite authors. Great interview. As a writer (new to the game) I have been struggling with how to put thi gs together. Love Callie’s binder notion. Continue on!
Hi Nona! The binder works great for me. Looking forward to seeing you at OWFI in a couple of months.
Callie Hutton is one of my favorite authors.
Thanks, Lori. I’m glad you enjoy my stories.
Callie, you always have the best covers! I love your process with character sketches and drawings. I’m a visual person, so this process appeals to me.
Good luck on your upcoming release!
Thanks, Jennifer. I have my publisher, Entangled Publishing to thank for my covers.