Hearts Through History Romance Writers

Romance Through The Ages Contest-1 week left!

by | May 26, 2021

Entry Fee: $20 for HHRW members/$25 for non-members.

Enter by May 31, 2021

Unpublished authors may enter any category.
Published authors may enter any category in which they’re not published, or in which they’ve not been contracted for publication or self-published within the past five years.
Entry: First 15 pages (and optional two-page synopsis)

Top Prize $50 cash for all first place winners. Winners and Finalists will be announced in the RWR.

Historical Works of Erotica and of Novella length will be accepted in all categories.

The categories most in need of entries:
AMR (Ancient/Medieval/Renaissance)
YAH (Young Adult Historical)

FMI, visit 2021 Romance Through The Ages Contest  or contact RTTA Contest Coordinator, Aubrey Wynne rtta@heartsthroughhistory.com

2021 Romance through the Ages Final Judges:

Ancient/Medieval/Renaissance: Violetta Rand, Dragonblade Publishing
Georgian/Regency/Victorian: Erin Molta, Entangled Publishing
Colonial/Western/Civil War: Debby Gilbert, Soulmate Publishing
Post Victorian/World War II: Nancy Schumacher, Melange Books LLC
Modern History: Amy Stapp, Wolfson Literary Agency
Time-Travel/Historical Paranormal: Deb Werkman, Casablanca/Sourcebooks
YA Historical: Laura Rennert, Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Legends Award: Jennie Conway, St. Martin’s Press




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