About HHRW
Thank you for your interest in our chapter. We are an international online group of historical romance writers. Our authors cover the gamut from pre-published to multi-published and write in eras from ancient times through World War II and beyond.
Dues cover 1 year’s membership, can be paid at any time, and are renewed at the end of each year. Dues are $25 for new members, and $20 for renewal (all dollar values US$). You must be an active member of RWA in order to join and remain a member of Hearts Through History.
Membership Benefits:
Discount off all workshops, discount off Romance Through the Ages Contest entries, Free Frugal Conference (coincides with RWA National), Free Cabin Fever Conference (during winter), Free AGM (Annual General Meeting) with speakers, participation in our annual anthology, access to monthly writing challenge, critique group, conferences/trip, and more!
Our Current Board Members
President | Claudine Gandolfi | HHRWPres@ |
Treasurer | Tracy Lenning | treasurer@ |
Secretary | Cynthia Owens | secy@ |
First Vice President (Programs) | Emily Sewell | VP1@ |
Second Vice President (Communications) | Kimberly Nielsen | VP2@ |
Contest Chair | Claudine Gandolfi | rtta@ |
Education | Kimberly Pride | educ@ |
Web Chair | Joelle Izack | web@ |
Membership | Emily Sewell | membership@ |
Newsletter | Claudine Gandolfi | newsletter@ |
Critique Chair | Julia Masters | critique@ |
PAN Liaison | OPEN | PANliaison@ |
PRO Liaison | OPEN | PROliaison@ |
Workshop Moderator | Kimberly Pride | workshops@ |
Bylaws Chair | Emily Sewell | HHRWBylaws@ |
Policy & Procedure | Emily Sewell | pandp@ |
Publicity Chair | OPEN | PR@ |
Anthology Chair | Claudine Gandolfi | Anthology@ |
Chapter Engagement Coordinator | Eliza Carter | CE@ |
Facebook Coordinator | Cynthia Owens | Facebook@ |