Hearts Through History Romance Writers

Was Baseball Invented in Russia?

In truth, the game evolved over many decades, if not centuries, and its roots are, in reality, a tangled web of bat and ball games brought to this country by immigrants. – Frank Ceresi in The Origins of Baseball (Baseball Almanac, 07-2004)

Yes, baseball is the American pastime, but its origins are difficult to trace. Some believe it was based on the English game of cricket, which can be traced back to Tudor times in the early 16th century. Others believe it was based on the English game of rounders, which can also be traced back to Tudor times. But what about the Russian game of lapta?  First known to be played in the 14th century, descriptions of the game have been found in medieval manuscripts. Balls and bats were also found in the 14th century layer of excavations of the city of Novgorod, the Russian capital in the 9th and 12th centuries.


Cymru, the Triple Crown and Dewi Sant

Scott Williams Scores a Try for CymruThis St. David’s Day, Cymru is celebrating its win of the 6 Nations Rugby Triple Crown – the first time in history that the Triple Crown has been won at the English rugby field, Twickenham.

Scott Williams scored the try in an amazing run that left the English gasping.

If you don’t follow rugby, this may not seem significant but Cymru has taken its rugby very seriously for most of the late 20th and all of the 21st Centuries. Rugby is war. Beating the English is the ultimate goal. Winning the Triple Crown is the top prize of the four home teams: Cymru, Alba, Eire and England. Of the four, England is the team all the Celtic nations strive to beat – “As long as we beat the English” is the battlecry.
