Hearts Through History Romance Writers

Member Spotlight on Laura Jack

Hello Hearts Through History members, today I’m talking with HTH member Laura Jack. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you’ve been working on?

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Less than part time right now. Ugh the seasonal depression coupled with Covid19 burnout.

What’s the hardest part of writing?

It’s turning out to be revising.

What’s your favorite historical movie? 
That’s a tough one. I can and do watch every version of Pride and Prejudice over and over again.  King Arthur (2004), Queen Margot (1994), All the versions of Little Women, all of the Shakespeare moves that Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh did when they were together.

Who’s your favorite historical figure? 

Hands down it’s Boudica. That’s another historical movie that I watch a lot. The PBS version (2003).

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?

Hmm. Today Mary Wollstonecraft, tomorrow who knows. No, Princess Margaret of Denmark who married King James III of Scotland. I need to talk to her about a few things.

If you could time travel what era would you visit?

I’d have to go to Scotland and stay with my ancestors, anywhere from 9th century to 16th century but with indoor plumbing.

What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever received? 

To date it’s been do your revision in stages – go over once for plot, once for characters and once for place.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Probably 2nd grade and if I can go back in time, after Scotland, I’d go back and leave notes for myself to keep writing.

Are there specific books or authors who have influenced you as a writer?

I think Janet Daily was my first romance author and she’s meshed in with Arthur C Clarke, Tolkien, Diana Gabaldon to name a few. Scifi, fantasy and romance are always on my nightstand.

Give us a brief rundown of your process. Are you a plotter, a pantser, or somewhere in the middle?

I’m becoming much more of a plotter. I don’t seem to have any trouble writing but when I read it back there’s no plot! Hence working much more on plotting these days.

My Thanksgiving

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